Monday, June 2, 2014

Another key to beating addiction, religious and other

The greatest trap anyone could fall into with a move of the Holy Spirit is canalizing it. We all understand as God reveals in us and moves by His spirit amazing changes happen. The challenge then becomes to leave Spirit as Spirit. As God reveals in our lives we should just live that spirit consciousness. It is then we obviously will have limited knowledge of what is being revealed through and in us.
If I go beyond that and thirst to obtain knowledge, maybe because it was such a blessing or so life giving or freeing, liberating or … Really in so doing all I am doing is trying to make knowledge I can replicate. If I can replicate my approach or the revealing of life then immediately I have diminished it to my level and made Spirit carnal.

I think we can see modern church as a perfect example of this. God moves by his Holy Spirit and men see this as a validation of who they are and what they are doing. They put patterns in place to try and replicate and teach what had been such a blessing to them. So in a spirit filled church they take a manifestation of Spirit and teach it. So now we have prophecy classes or the right song to bring it back. In more mainstream churches their pattern comes from the fact the word of God became rhema (living) to them at some point. They read a bible passage and came alive so now they chase the manifestation of knowledge. They are control freaks who limit their life to their finite knowledge. The most stupid thing these people arrogantly say is I need a good bible believing church. These folks would be better to say I need a church that derives its self righteousness from its ability to have knowledge. That knowledge may have started good but once I live it as knowledge I am a humanist for Jesus, no matter even if it is the written and inspired word of God. Probably why there are so many doctrines and of course everyone is equally convinced they are right. The problem is their whole default is a fraud and the greatest deception is the one they present themselves.

Both are equally just as wrong, both have been validated by Spirit manifestations the only trouble is the validation is only for themselves and to themselves. When God starts revealing all we can do is allow ourselves to be who He is in us. Now we have no idea what that means as our religious systems and friends have superimposed systems and ideals of righteousness on us. They mostly would say righteousness looks like them and their methods of worship. These methods always involve works to better oneself and therein lies the problem. Any thought of self betterment is based in self righteousness as when the Holy Spirit does a work in us we are better, we are free, we are delivered and we lose desire for the world.

If I struggle with addiction or sin or lust then all that is being revealed is that I am self righteous. OUCH! How can I say such a thing to folks who work so hard to be righteous. They read where the bible says “work out your salvation ” and they read that from the wrong end. To the religious it means work harder at failing while thinking you are winning. To a spirit individual it reads relax and let the Holy Spirit be revealed in who you are. You can never fail or win in Spirit as to think such immediately reduces a move of God to carnality. In Spirit I am “life” the life of Christ and everything that encompasses. A spirit person is complete they don’t win or lose as they are not manifestations they are life. If I look to win I am carnal in default, I must just BE spirit and in that consciousness comes Jesus life and can we ever define such. Every day Jesus life takes new life as life is revealed in me. In what the world calls failure Spirit reveals and is life. Not so I can now win, again if I am that level I am in the wrong default.

Remember in Spirit church I do not prophecy I am prophecy. A spirit person does not have knowledge they are all knowledge, they are just on a journey to discover what that translates to in us. When the Spirit reveals life in you then just sit in the life and relax, cease striving and know that I am God the bible says and what better. God gave us a spirit key right there and He is saying stop trying to be righteous and relax and be righteous. That can never make sense to a carnal defaulted person as it will always have to involve actions to gain identity. A spirit person needs no action for identity they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as the bible says and have no idea what that means other than relax and righteousness is.

So yes this is disturbing as it reveals the verse in the bible in us that says “nothing good exist in the heart of man.”Nothing good is in any of us independent of what God put there. If we foolishly think the good we see comes from us we reveal our self righteousness that separates us from God. In that self righteousness sin will always follow as sin hides self righteousness. Struggling with sin? The issue is not the sin that religion wants to make it, the struggle is self righteousness. Remember that’s why God took sin away. He totally destroyed sin to a Holy Spirit co-joined being. Religion makes Calvary and Jesus dying on the cross about forgiveness of sin as that keeps us locked into knowledge of sin. Romans in the bible makes it about living lawless. When I live lawless my heart is revealed. If self righteous I will party hard in my new found freedom. If God righteous I will not use this grace as a license to sin as the apostle Paul says.

So to a Spirit filled being, sin no longer exist it is impossible to exist and if I live the knowledge of the sin in my life that does exist, all I am revealing is the self righteous areas of my life where I am in control and probably religious. Religion separates people from God. When it teaches repentance and sanctification it locks or traps people into knowledge of sin that Romans tells us only comes from law. The exact same law Jesus decimated and vaporized on Calvary. Yes the religious will always say “well what about the wrong I do and the bible talking of sin” A Holy Spirit being will just BE revealed Spirit and the sin drops off as the Spirit is revealed in them. They understand the verses in the bible that say things like. Be Holy as I am Holy. To the religious a challenge, to Spirit a statement of identity that a sanctified life flows out of. A spirit identity that causes a Holy Spirit being who entered Calvary to understand I repented and came to Christ now as the Holy Spirit filled me I am repentance. Call my life repentance as Christ is in me and I am in Christ. Cease striving and know that I am God the bible says, remember!

Christians who repent only ever reveal self righteousness. They don’t get Spirit, can’t get Spirit, and won’t get Spirit, as long as they are in a sin default. How can they when the default is all wrong. What I see I worship! See sin, the lack of, or fullness of and all I see is my idol. “BE”, spirit relax and let Holy Spirit life be revealed in me and all I will get is LIFE as I am LIFE.

When in carnality as a default I will always be competitive. It is what we call eros love. Erotic comes from this love and is all about lust and selfish desires being fulfilled. Inside religion eros is active and always causing us to compete with ourselves and others for recognition, validation and position. It is under the covering of agape love we discover Sspirit. Agape is not about doing it is about being and there is no self gratification in agape love. It is unconditional giving and agape is not a conscious state it is all about just being “the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” If I try and be tat righteousness all I am revealing is masked eros, greedy and self flagellating love.
So to finish if my business my gifts my life is about doing I am exhibiting eros but if I am co-joined with Christ I can relax and let God show me who I truly am. Now it is about gifting called life.

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