Monday, August 28, 2017

Is it possible to not see needs?

Yeah its long but so is life....... Someone commented that the marriage email was long and my reply was so is a lifetime of marriage. So a lifetime of needs is long and weary. Maybe there is something in here to bring life.

The ability to not see our needs is to most not possible, it is something that is not perceivable or understandable to our brain. Of course we are aware of the natural needs but to go beyond that and see I can park my brain in the enveloping love of God. To just be lost in the knowing of everything is taken care of and to abide. This has been something that in the past I have fought to try and hold into. To try and park my brain in a place of peace where life resides.

But the more I have attempted to hold onto that peace the more it has just slipped away and often I am left staring at intimidating situations that are no less than terrifying. Yes God in his love just covers me anyway but usually it is not a pleasant experience for my natural man.

So to just partake of peace is a movement of beauty. To not try and hold it but rather to just allow it to envelop is amazing. The natural would desire to feed on pleasure in these extreme times of need as in feeding its self we can take our thinking off where we are. So people who think they are godly find themselves staring at carnal desires they never knew existed ike it does in their lives.

For in reality a natural man needs a pressure release and in finding a pressure release it limits the peace that can flow via a spirit man. The outcome often is the same but the journey to the endpoint can be peaceful or traumatic. In the flow of peace lies life but in the flow of pleasure lies pain, misery and suffering. Lets look at it according to the two gods.

First the god of this world we have seen as the devil and his demons but in reality it is the devil merged with the heart of a man. Man was given dominion and he surrendered it to a partnership with the devil. Together a carnal or natural minded man links with the demonic to be the god of this world. Neither can exist without the other and neither have power without the other in this world.
So when a person is faced with extreme situations the easiest default is to feed the natural man and in so doing feed rejection. Remember rejection needs rejection to empower itself. So when faced with a desperate natural situation where God can only provide the answer it is very easy to enter rejection actions. Actions that feed rejection and empower the rejection in the heart of mankind. The demonic provides the opportunity and as a person enters that opportunity they have entered a false koinonia with the demonic. This false fellowship creates the god of this world and isolates an individual, it does not bring into fellowship.

The areas this happens in are so extensive but perhaps the two most prominent are sex and money. To mankind these areas are the drug to ease all pain. We talked about sex already but in reality money is no different it is a false spiritual sexual experience. Like we have talked about those in its power feel defiled by its lust but ultimately need to feed off the rejection and control it provides. Perhaps this is why the bible says it is impossible for a rich man to enter heaven. In and of itself riches steal intimacy. But with god all things are possible and in this we understand God can change the heart of the rich and only he knows how to deal with their rejection that isolates them and drives them into their riches further.

To be life is the other path and there is something special about the weariness of a natural man that lays down and lets spirit take over. A weariness that in reality goes beyond being weary and is complete exhaustion. Weariness is something the whole world lives in constantly but exhaustion is a gift from the almighty. A gift most attribute to the demonic. The weariness I am talking of is the inherent control and thirst fro control that one has for their own life. But as things come unraveled we are able in a state of complete exhaustion finally look to our creator and say take my life and be my life. Of control we abandon and have no strength naturally to ever take it up again. We now stand on our feet as a divine gift that strengthens our way and envelops us it is us.

Realistically where we come unstuck is our inbuilt passions from and for the natural. We look at our needs as very real and fail to be able to see past them, the larger they become. Needs have a way of presenting themselves as absolute and final. This burden of death we allow ourselves to create is denial and fictitious in reality. In my experience needs usually have creative solutions and as we surrender control the creative of the spirit of God in koinonia with us activates.
We have fought the creative and have attempted to control such. By our view of the situation and our defaults that have been created by society around us, yes we stay entrapped to what we can see, what we have known and what we understand. But perhaps one amazing facet of spiritual life is the arrival of true reality. A reality we have denied and avoided as it is not anything we can control or make happen. This new reality of the spirit can only be lived by exhaustion with our self created and perpetuated perception of natural life.
Now some could suggest denial but in reality it is not possible to live a life of denial on an ever increasing level and not surrender sanity on all levels. I can deny a need but to be free of the need and uninfluenced by the need is not possible without something more. As if I am in denial I truly am under the power of what I deny. But what is the something more and how do we park our ever whirring heads to be at peace during such times?

For any who have emptied their life into the heavenly there is a change in how the world is seen, a change in how life is approached and a change in the daily way we live. It seems to cheapen the flow of life to talk of such but lets touch on it a little and any who stand at the entry point will see beyond.

It is important or realistically beyond important, it is life, it is the breathe we take in the spiritual realm, to just enjoy the peace of the spirit. We cant hold onto such as in the action of trying we loose our grip and it seemingly slips away. The life of the spirit is an all enveloping and creative flow that can only be expressed, lived and enjoyed as we just abandon to it. In reality it is easier to go with the flow of the spirit that to take control ourselves.
Yes of course fear can ever be present but in not focusing on the need, in rather just enjoying the peace of the time we will always see the creative.
Life is lived to be enjoyed today and in enjoying the richness and vastness of today we will always find enjoyment and peace. It is not that our future has been stolen but rather that our future has enlarged beyond any ability of our own. It starts to be a limitless future, so vast we could not live it with a thought for tomorrow . The vastness of true life can only be expressed by living today and in so doing wonders arrive.
In reality what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him, these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. Which searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows our thoughts or a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

Marriage or partnership

Money is a great example of intimacy with the Godhead. In our quest for our needs and pleasures to be met we indeed limit the expression of finance. Money or its provision is not a need it is an outflow of intimacy. To never see its demands is a gift and to know its purity is beyond any natural ability.

Some have never known true intimacy and often when talking of intimacy it immediately becomes about sex. But in reality there is a level of union beyond the pleasure of sexual acts. This level may be glanced at but it cannot be entered by decision or desire. It is hidden in an act of pleasure but like a vault it cannot be opened without the spiritual key. For any that have gone beyond in such areas they see it is possible to live in an eternal state of union. A permanent romance that has no focus on an act.

In man attempting to gain access to what is beyond they focus on a medium that although is designed in a spirit way to unite it also brings great division. So many enter sex and only suffer abuse. They become an object of lust and gratification and in time begin to find this area a burden. Many who failed to enter true unity that brought about sex use this area for self. Failing to get past the obvious pleasure for self, they cannot see there is a greater dimension that is only accessible with the union of the spiritual.
In talking romance most ultimately confuse sex with romance. They loved someone, experienced romance and it led to sex. After sex was involved everything changed and more often than not the relationship ended. I wonder how many would wind back the clock in their stolen romances if able. realistically when sex gets involved, everything changes if it is not in the correct flow of spiritual life.

Sex outside of a true spiritual union called marriage will always be about self. The very opposite to what romance is. Romance has no beginning and no end it is timeless and goes beyond any natural boundaries but conversely sex when used for self is about pleasure and the enigma for many is how can something so pleasurable be so isolating. Maybe bringing understanding to why pornography, masturbation, prostitution and adultery are so damaging. In a world of self a persons world will implode as it folds into self. The end point most times are lonely, bitter, misunderstood individuals who hate sex but are addicted to finding its next high, having convinced themselves the more the better. In their world of complete isolation true intimacy was stripped away so long ago they likely have lost all ability to live romance. Or maybe they have never experienced romance as their introduction to sex was based in lust. A world of self implodes and reduces while a spiritual world of romance enlarges and knows no limits. The insecurity of no limits drives many to self but others to a further spiritual connection or romance. A unity with the Godhead beyond understanding so much so mankind cant even explain the Godhead so what hope is there to explain the koinonia of romance.

So in an over sexualised world of self gratification many fail to grasp the stunning beauty of a bigger picture. They have fallen prey to their own self perpetuating lust and enter sex for purpose. But what about romance it has no purpose, no time, no needs if it does then it is not romance. It is two hearts singing a song that has such beauty it makes no sound. As a man and woman alter their life to move to the romance then the dance is amazing, the energy superhuman, the world a different place. This unison of spirit produces a hidden place of the two becoming one and ultimately sex will be entered. Not because there is a lustful desire but it is the living of “we are one” and to remain in such a wonderful place in can be understood only spiritual romance can underpin more natural romance to feed it and keep it alive. Without spiritual romance to spawn and ignite more natural romance all relationships will ultimately draw on sex to try and fabricate romance. This may work for a time but any marriage that uses sex for purpose has become about self and degenerated to a partnership. Partnerships never last as they are about getting things done for purpose. Whereas marriages are eternal and it should be clearly understood here that if a marriage has degenerate into a partnership it can still be reignited into romance. Not of what was but of a new and better spiritual revealing.

This state of two becoming one is the absence of rejection. In this romantic love where nothing is a problem and these lovers are blind to many obvious facts others can see so clearly. I guess we could even ask are these obvious facts real? If the lovers are lost in a realm beyond their shortfalls then do the shortfalls really exist? Try and convince lovers that their partner has a nose that is too big and they will never see it. Or that they don't have enough money and it is never heard.

Romantic love is astounding beauty, an astounding beauty that is magnified beyond comprehension when linked with the spiritually eternal Godhead. It goes beyond anything this world can control or attempt to own. Of course who would not want to own such a thing of beauty and yes we know all the industry built around mankind's desire to tap into romance while failing. Prostitution, adultery, pornography, lust all propel an individual to attempt to control intimacy. After all as romantic lovers are pulled apart by the world around them they endeavor to make sure the pain of separation will never happen again. In so doing they will always lose themselves in cheap attempts to please themselves and the world has many distractions or offers of pleasure without romance.

The amazing thing about romance is when drunk on it we cant even see ourselves. It is just two people completely lost in something bigger than themselves. This is the hidden vault of any marriage. It can only be unlocked and enlarged by living a rich spiritual life of magnificence. It is about timelessness and neither person cares about time, neither will desire time and neither are responsible. The demands of life will scream but ones lost in such euphoria just live and it all gets taken care of somehow.

Now add sexual unity to this picture, the two coming together in a marriage of love and the world stops. Marriage in such a state is about joining to always be one. It is a spiritual statement devoid of lust and self gratification. Now sex will be about eternally living the romance it spawned. It is the ultimate climax of life itself.

It is in partnerships we have a desire for control and self. Partnerships are about people joining together to meet needs. Perhaps we could say if a marriage has reasons then it is more correctly termed a partnership. If a marriage has no reason it is just a romantic flow then it is life.
Yes marriages can be bombarded with pseudo reason but in reality these reasons are only there to tear apart the life of the marriage and turn the beauty of the romance it was birthed in to a currency of self. Lets face it once we have tasted romance we can never get enough and in trying to get more we ruin the romance. You cant try in romance all you can do is live and enjoy. If I try to please my wife or my wife tries to please me then romance is dead for that time. We please each other by living life and beyond natural acts now, life is given as life is.

To enter such we can only unwrap ourselves from the world and this is only possible with spiritual romance. As our creator woos us how will we respond? The wonderful expression of spiritual romance is much the same as our more natural romance. Can we take the time to enjoy the spiritual moments that will turn to a lifetime as we enter its life embodied.


In reality mans religion is a unity of man with the demonic god of this world. This perverse infatuation causes people to live with reason. They must follow a set of rules and abide by doctrines they perceive as correct in their learned interpretations of the bible and the systems around them. This system of rejection feeds and empowers the demonic rejection in mankind. It separates from God with a demonic counterfeit of true divine intimacy.

In reality religion steals intimacy and many in religion have learned to love, learned to obey, learned to please in their marriage and this is not true romantic intimacy as where mankind's reason exists spirit and romance does not. The world in its thirst for self have abandoned the time that romance takes, as romance has no time, knows no time, exists outside of time and propels nothing but unity.

So what of religion? If spirituality is needed to keep romance alive then it is clearly understandable as man plays god of his own world he must fabricate religious systems to try and replace what is missing. Religion for mankind has become like a marriage based on sex. It attempts to turn romance from the creator of the universe into a partnership. A partnership where romance is not important as things need to get done. In reality a romantic God refuses to be defiled by such and in perfect love does not partake in religion.
This gives rise to understanding why mankind needs himself to be god and as mankind unites with the demonic he has become the god of this world via a demonic partnership and a false intimacy is lived. One of spiritual prostitution, spiritual pornography, spiritual masturbation and spiritual adultery and all associated areas. In other words religious systems are born and maintained to try and teach love. They satisfy self seeking hearts of mankind and exalt mankind to be a “god”.

Although all religion has been touched by spiritual romance they have turned to what we will term “religious sex” and have made an industry of such. Religion is mans attempt to use God for their own pleasure and in acknowledging their sin they attempt to gain life. It can only be termed “religious sex” and it is a form of attempted perversion where man attempts to bring God to his level. Just like the initial fall of man Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden wanted to be like God and mankind today with their religion continue to want to be like God. Remember if romance has a purpose it is no longer romance. One can only be co-joined with their creator when they surrender to the eternal romantic love from the creator of the universe. It is not to get forgiveness for my “sin”. This surrender only comes about when a person loses their identity so as to co-join with the creator of the universe. This can only happen when we no longer wish to live according to a system of control, usury, lust, fear and rejection. When we see the romance from God we understand why things have happened in our lives that were beyond us, beyond our ability to fabricate.


Our needs are loud and glare at us seemingly endlessly and perhaps this endless quest is a great parallel of the eternal call for intimacy from the Godhead. Naturally we see the need for finances as a burden and it drives or even compels us naturally in life. But as we step from the world into the spirit we start to see a different paradigm. A paradigm that is not able to be viewed in any way but via a gift from the Holy Spirit.

Living beyond the entrapment of needs we see the flow of love and life. This flow of love and life is not fed by lust or desire but rather it is just a melting of natural to be replaced by spiritual. It is a flow of love that has no motive it has no desire for gratification it is not looking for a quick time of pleasure and it is yet to be discovered for many. This time of intimacy is the two becoming one and as the spirit of this world birthed by lust demands pleasure now, as its needs are so burning. It can only be a unique time of beauty where we enjoy life that brings live.

As annoying as it may be to acknowledge it again romance is the only key to Godhead unity in finances. A young person in the faith can immediately see the pleasure of money and the wonder of its pleasure. They can see its needs and its blessings and in a spirit of this world it holds one in its spell. Mesmerized some would ask is it possible to be free, yet others have no desire to be free from its spell.

The bible says verses like if someone asks for your shirt give them your coat as well and perhaps this is the start of spirit life. In religion it is about teaching the other person who wants your coat a lesson but in spirit life it is about not allowing the spirit of this world to get hold of your heart. It is about knowing that we live beyond the natural and out of the romance of life everything is.

So a young person can see the power of money and get mesmerized by its beauty. It is a false intimacy a false sexuality of sorts. It produces all the same things lustful intercourse produces. Power, importance, pleasure, peace, rest, joy etc. In essence we can call it lust and it is another area of mankind that wants lust. Like a pornographic bank man desires limitless pleasure and self gratification in their thirst for self. In its dependence on the need for rejection mankind needs the pornography of money to feed the rejection of romantic intimacy.

After all nobody understands “me” is the normal. My husband, my wife has no time they don't care about “my” needs. Simply put today's marriages would be better termed partnerships not marriages. They are a union of two individuals for the purpose of demanding their needs get met and when the needs fail to be met it all falls apart.

I start to see it is the same with God and our provision. We can see our needs so clearly and the fact many of these needs are based in a lust filled lifestyle seems of no consequence. Money is a great medium to expose our ties to this world and in the pull of its demon rejection screams at us for empowerment. The children money produces through its partnerships of intimacy only bring pain and anxiety.

So what of true intimacy and true spiritual union. It is sad to think that many may never know the beauty of true intimacy. An intimacy where there is no desire for self but a flow of love.  

Dealing with a life of rejection

I can see so clearly that sin is essential to mankind. It is indispensable and empowering and without it we have nothing. Without it we are worth nothing as it defines us in more ways than perhaps we can grasp at any one point in time.

A world free of sin is tasteless and identity-less. It is not that we are known by our sin or that the sin defines us but the sin is essential on a level perhaps that has not been revealed to us before. Sin is the very power of life it is the reason to wake up and the reason to go to bed. It brings a form of joy and it brings a form of grief. But without the emotional up and downs life would be so bland. Sin on every level is a pleasure to the core of man and it is in man-kinds progression to control his world sin is the very fabric that bonds unites and forms a man or woman. Without sin we have nothing!

When sin gets too profoundly obvious it must be dealt with and morphed into another form or area to subvert the core of what is wanting to be revealed. If an area of sin becomes too pleasurable it has indeed become the manifest identity of an individual and as such will no doubt cause disruption and discomfort to the person and those close to the individual. So enter religion.

Religion fails to exist outside of sin and sin fails to exist without religion. Religion is the very core of the faith and without it we can have no religious God. Sin must exist to have a forgiving God and to be able to please that God or anger Him. The industry of church exists because of sin it is essential to its existence. As mankind lives the pleasures and pain of sin then a God is needed to enable such a lifestyle. It is in this enabling that mankind is able to ultimately be in control.

Look at it this way, sin or the lack of when viewed via religion gets the love we crave from God. But beyond that it buys another thing that in any natural persons life is perhaps more essential to a natural existence than anything else. Sin buys us rejection and without rejection we fail to have control or power.

It can be understood that the devil is powerless and bear with me as I attempt to paint a picture of why. The devil and his evil hoards cannot create and cannot exist in and of themselves. The bible tells us when a demon leaves a person it goes to water less places then returns and reenters a man. A demon cannot have power without mankind. The devil and the demons when in heaven flowed in God power and once kicked out they had nothing. They are meaningless like vapor and need mankind to empower them. Mankind has become their new god and through perverse deception they gain power from carnality. But how a demon obtains its power is perhaps the greatest deception that has ever duped mankind. So how does a demon feed?

A demon needs to unite with man to exist and it will attempt to place many layers on a life to hide the core of where it feeds. The vile putrid form it must hide is easier to see than one first thinks. Of course it needs religion to hide so well. It needs the knowledge of sin and God. It needs a person to be able to feed off love and ultimately rejection as on a natural level without love you cannot have rejection. So it created a natural love that is understandable and teachable. In removing the spiritual romance of love that is God, it empowers the very thing it needs to exist, REJECTION! The rejection of a person which will isolate a person and have them know they are not good enough.

The saying goes “hurt people, hurt people.” We can see this is true of rejection as well. Rejected people reject people. In the case of rejection, one who is under the power of rejection needs to act so as to be rejected. As to be rejected feeds rejection. It empowers, it emboldens and it enlarges. The demonic cannot exist without such a cycle. It will have rejected people all collect into a group or system based around rejection called modern systematized church.

In this system people learn how to please an un-pleasable God. If honest they will ultimately face rejection as they do wrong and upset others. But in this system rejection is needed to empower and none of it can exist without rejection. None of it can exist without sin!

So when a person is in a spiritual identity crisis or are simply on a path of revealing spiritual identity, they will live rejection. They feel rejected by the father and will ultimately reject their own father. Intimacy with a father figure gets more and more impossible or unlikely in rejection. As the individual rejects they get fed off the rejection that comes back. Its like a teenager they are crying for identity and feel rejected by life as they don't see where they fit. They feed the rejection by rejecting and are empowered by the demonic entrapment. In other words I will treat you bad and you will treat me bad back. In so doing empowerment is felt and control is obtained. Rejection enables me to control my world and gives me a false intimacy.

In rejection that person will need artificial life and the world is full of such. The issue is it is all designed for self gratification and usually at someone else's expense. When someone feels rejected they need to win or compete with others to win and feel better. Like vampires they feed off of others rejection. The music of self and the pleasures of money and the temptations of sexual areas. The world is setup to feed the rejection and as people become more and more self focused they have the need to see sin. Their world is insecure and isolated and the intimacy they crave they just cant seem to find. What ever can mankind do to be free? Realistically they don't want to be free as they need to see sin to feed the rejection. Both in themselves and others. So all will have a run with religious systems and will ultimately be rejected. Rejection breeds isolation and isolation is needed to maintain control. Lets face it mans world shrinks and he thirsts control but in spirit life our world is limitless.

In being free from rejection a few observances came to the front of life. Firstly reading this or someone convincing a person they have rejection will never set them free. The first step of freedom is seeing we are trapped. To see this is a gift from the almighty God and not something we can counsel into people. In fact in counseling we feed and embolden the rejection God wants to reveal. Yes systematized religion enables people to stay trapped in the knowledge of their head. Yes systematized religion needs counseling to exist and feed the vile spirit of rejection and sin. Counselors are humanists plain and simple they can be nothing else. Through knowledge they attempt to set free but in reality they are as trapped as the ones they are speaking to.

To better help understand this type of religious thinking look at this example. People will say we need to find the will of God or do what God wants and everything works then. Again this is rooted in rejection as they fail to see all that any in Holy Spirit life need to do is live. Live free of expectations of tapping into Gods will. Live free of looking for a word from God or His will or His moments. This thinking or approach only highlights we live rejection and this sets us up for more rejection that we can feed an evil heart off. Ultimately it is us in control. In spirit we just live and everything that flows from that is greater life.

It seems to me that salvation is an amazing turning point in a life and many have surrendered in some way to co-join with Jesus. But perhaps a least understood area is sanctification. This word is really so spiritual little is ever said about it and it is usually related to holiness in such a way it condemns people to their religious ideals and knowledge. So what is sanctification and yes it is worth digging around a bit to see what comes up.

Sanctification is a a revealing of every layer of demonic personality that has been layered on a life. As those layers are exposed they just melt away. They can never be revealed by someone pointing them out but rather as saints just live amazing happens. Because of our natural man and mind we have set patterns of thinking and responses that honestly are rooted in rejection fear and pride. Thinking that is aimed to have us always in some sort of control of our own little world. These natural thinkers of spiritual truths always have a small world of true intimacy as they will isolate to control.
So once in Jesus our thinking must be renewed. The demonic ownership has ended but we have a lifetime of demonic responses to unlearn. Demonic empowerment has been every level of a life without unity with the Godhead but now a new set of responses will arise. They are not learned they are not taught. The mystery of these responses are while the same they are uniquely different for every person and tailored by a romantic God who only cares for what we now are. We are now pure life and from our new core flows eternal life as we are now eternal life.

It is in this romantic backdrop we will discover God does not even see our faults or sin anymore. Perhaps a better way to see it is that before we were in Christ we did not sin, we were sin. Sin at that time in our lives was our identity and everything we lived for. It was our very existence as we were united with the demonic. The demons thirst for power had the core of man in a false koinonia. A false Godhead made to lustfully use a life for its own pleasure at any expense. The psychopathic demon gave rejection, as in giving rejection it received rejection and was able to feed on the false humanistic power.

But after surrender of that core of death that resides in every part of humanity to Christ. We no longer are sin it is not who we are. Now we are life. Now we have been transformed into his likeness. We are not God but we are now Godhead koinonia. The issue is the layers of demonic thinking we had learned and been enslaved to. The first of such is the knowledge of sin that religion pumps into us. The do's and dont's the acts of a godly life. Immediately after freedom arrives a false God of this world arrives and tries to merge with the thinking we have lived all of our lives. It needs to make sense to us and it is so easy for the god of this world to blind our eyes with a religion of rejection and works.

The bible as beautiful as it is will then we used as an instruction book for life. It will teach any in the power of their mind and the god of this world to obey its rules. But any in holy spirit life can have no doctrines they are doctrine they are now a living epistle known and read by all men. They read the bible not to learn but just as life and when reading can see their lives mirrored in the pages. For a holy spirit koinonia it is as if they could have written the bible. But to one serving the god of this world the bible is their everything. They wont out it on the floor, they are experts in doctrines and they have opinions on everything. In reality they live rejection and have been deceived into thinking the god of this world is the living God.

The living God now cannot see sin in us as we are no longer sin. He can only see who we now are seated in heavenly places with Him. God can only see life as he is life and anything outside of life is nothingness. So God starts to pull the layers away so lovingly and with great care. There is no aim it is just the revealing of life. In spirit life what is inside is revealed and comes out in religious life we try to put things in. Spirit brings out what in or the god of this world attempts to put things in. Religion tries to change a life by putting things in like knowledge. Religion needs knowledge as in knowledge comes control and rejection. The god of this world links with what makes so much sense to a man, as in order to control romance cannot be alive. After all romance cannot be controlled or understood. There is no reason in romance if there is a reason it is no longer romance. The bible is perhaps the greatest tool of a false god of this world. It enslaves a persons mind to the obvious they can understand, teach and control. We now have a person who surrendered to Christ and was duped into following a false system they can now spend a lifetime attempting to understand. This is modern systemic church. They need sin and are outraged at the statement God cannot sin our sin anymore when in Christ. After all they sin is so obvious and the bible says so much about it. A life of rejection confusion, fear and control now follows.

Spirit reveals what is already there in a life and in so revealing it liberates and frees, it is the eternal of life. Where religion locks down a world, spirit opens up. Spirit is OUTput, religion is INput. So as spirit is revealed then what was once demonic layers fall from our lives, our thinking, our actions. Ultimately we will be confronted with the base layer this was all built on and this layer is rejection. This process of sanctification that is not a word it is a spirit of united life at work in us will ultimately have us say. God I know nothing but I am complete knowledge, I have no doctrines as I am complete doctrine. All we can do in spirit life is be the bible and know its who we are. In that complete lack of control life flows.