Monday, August 28, 2017

Is it possible to not see needs?

Yeah its long but so is life....... Someone commented that the marriage email was long and my reply was so is a lifetime of marriage. So a lifetime of needs is long and weary. Maybe there is something in here to bring life.

The ability to not see our needs is to most not possible, it is something that is not perceivable or understandable to our brain. Of course we are aware of the natural needs but to go beyond that and see I can park my brain in the enveloping love of God. To just be lost in the knowing of everything is taken care of and to abide. This has been something that in the past I have fought to try and hold into. To try and park my brain in a place of peace where life resides.

But the more I have attempted to hold onto that peace the more it has just slipped away and often I am left staring at intimidating situations that are no less than terrifying. Yes God in his love just covers me anyway but usually it is not a pleasant experience for my natural man.

So to just partake of peace is a movement of beauty. To not try and hold it but rather to just allow it to envelop is amazing. The natural would desire to feed on pleasure in these extreme times of need as in feeding its self we can take our thinking off where we are. So people who think they are godly find themselves staring at carnal desires they never knew existed ike it does in their lives.

For in reality a natural man needs a pressure release and in finding a pressure release it limits the peace that can flow via a spirit man. The outcome often is the same but the journey to the endpoint can be peaceful or traumatic. In the flow of peace lies life but in the flow of pleasure lies pain, misery and suffering. Lets look at it according to the two gods.

First the god of this world we have seen as the devil and his demons but in reality it is the devil merged with the heart of a man. Man was given dominion and he surrendered it to a partnership with the devil. Together a carnal or natural minded man links with the demonic to be the god of this world. Neither can exist without the other and neither have power without the other in this world.
So when a person is faced with extreme situations the easiest default is to feed the natural man and in so doing feed rejection. Remember rejection needs rejection to empower itself. So when faced with a desperate natural situation where God can only provide the answer it is very easy to enter rejection actions. Actions that feed rejection and empower the rejection in the heart of mankind. The demonic provides the opportunity and as a person enters that opportunity they have entered a false koinonia with the demonic. This false fellowship creates the god of this world and isolates an individual, it does not bring into fellowship.

The areas this happens in are so extensive but perhaps the two most prominent are sex and money. To mankind these areas are the drug to ease all pain. We talked about sex already but in reality money is no different it is a false spiritual sexual experience. Like we have talked about those in its power feel defiled by its lust but ultimately need to feed off the rejection and control it provides. Perhaps this is why the bible says it is impossible for a rich man to enter heaven. In and of itself riches steal intimacy. But with god all things are possible and in this we understand God can change the heart of the rich and only he knows how to deal with their rejection that isolates them and drives them into their riches further.

To be life is the other path and there is something special about the weariness of a natural man that lays down and lets spirit take over. A weariness that in reality goes beyond being weary and is complete exhaustion. Weariness is something the whole world lives in constantly but exhaustion is a gift from the almighty. A gift most attribute to the demonic. The weariness I am talking of is the inherent control and thirst fro control that one has for their own life. But as things come unraveled we are able in a state of complete exhaustion finally look to our creator and say take my life and be my life. Of control we abandon and have no strength naturally to ever take it up again. We now stand on our feet as a divine gift that strengthens our way and envelops us it is us.

Realistically where we come unstuck is our inbuilt passions from and for the natural. We look at our needs as very real and fail to be able to see past them, the larger they become. Needs have a way of presenting themselves as absolute and final. This burden of death we allow ourselves to create is denial and fictitious in reality. In my experience needs usually have creative solutions and as we surrender control the creative of the spirit of God in koinonia with us activates.
We have fought the creative and have attempted to control such. By our view of the situation and our defaults that have been created by society around us, yes we stay entrapped to what we can see, what we have known and what we understand. But perhaps one amazing facet of spiritual life is the arrival of true reality. A reality we have denied and avoided as it is not anything we can control or make happen. This new reality of the spirit can only be lived by exhaustion with our self created and perpetuated perception of natural life.
Now some could suggest denial but in reality it is not possible to live a life of denial on an ever increasing level and not surrender sanity on all levels. I can deny a need but to be free of the need and uninfluenced by the need is not possible without something more. As if I am in denial I truly am under the power of what I deny. But what is the something more and how do we park our ever whirring heads to be at peace during such times?

For any who have emptied their life into the heavenly there is a change in how the world is seen, a change in how life is approached and a change in the daily way we live. It seems to cheapen the flow of life to talk of such but lets touch on it a little and any who stand at the entry point will see beyond.

It is important or realistically beyond important, it is life, it is the breathe we take in the spiritual realm, to just enjoy the peace of the spirit. We cant hold onto such as in the action of trying we loose our grip and it seemingly slips away. The life of the spirit is an all enveloping and creative flow that can only be expressed, lived and enjoyed as we just abandon to it. In reality it is easier to go with the flow of the spirit that to take control ourselves.
Yes of course fear can ever be present but in not focusing on the need, in rather just enjoying the peace of the time we will always see the creative.
Life is lived to be enjoyed today and in enjoying the richness and vastness of today we will always find enjoyment and peace. It is not that our future has been stolen but rather that our future has enlarged beyond any ability of our own. It starts to be a limitless future, so vast we could not live it with a thought for tomorrow . The vastness of true life can only be expressed by living today and in so doing wonders arrive.
In reality what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him, these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. Which searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows our thoughts or a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

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