Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The fall of man viewed different

It raises some questions in all of us. We know God was not taken by surprise when man fell and it was all part of His plan. I can start to see we have limited Gods plan to our understanding and in doing so have relegated ourselves to insignificance. Until we start to grasp how God views us we can never enjoy the place we hold in the heart of our eternal savior and love.
It is in this line of thinking I can see we are not being restored to what mankind was before Adam and Eve fell. There is an even better place and we can almost say God having created a man like Him yearned to complete man in koinonia.
The God head is in complete and precious koinonia and even using the word koinonia does not describe the intimacy and individuality they have. Their individuality is so complete they actually encompass each other. The traits they have come together to form a whole but individually they would be a whole but would not be a whole. They can never operate individually and have no desire or power to do such as in the course of koinonia the power to be an individual has been laid down never to be able to be taken up again. In total submission to one another they also see and are each other. They complete each other into a beautiful manifestation we call the god head. They move as one, exist as one, think as one . Jesus shows us this when He says I”I do nothing but my father tells me” We read that as an authority statement when in actuality it is a koinonia verse. He is really saying what he says in John 14 “I and my Father are one.” If He is one with the father it is amazing that every part of their being is in total submission to each other so much so they can and do move as one in all actions, thoughts, words and deeds.

If you want to understand God look at Jesus and this is the perfect expression of koinonia. So precious is this koinonia God wants us to be part of it. He created man in His image and in Genesis you can hear the God heads heart when God says “my spirit will not strive with man forever as he is flesh” That flesh part has no oneness with God it is all about self and desires of self. God said when referring to man “the intent of his heart is continually evil”. God can never be one with someone who is all about self.

So Eve and Adam fell into self worship and man has continued in that ever since and has hidden that self desire in sin. The same sin Jesus took away. But here is the fascinating line of understanding. God knew all of this in His plan and we could say although he created Adam and Eve to be like Him. They were not and could not be koinonia until there was a self identity that has been surrendered. In other words mans creating was complete after Pentecost, all man had to do and has to do is enter it. It was after Pentecost we see koinonia enter our understanding. For the first time God gave a greater glimpse of who the God head is.

We know from many passages in the bible things like. In marriage the two become one and marriage is a type to reveal Gods marriage to mankind. We know there is a marriage supper that we as the bride will take part in. We know in John 14 Jesus talks about His relationship in God and ours as well, we are one as He is one. God could not have koinonia with Adam and Eve He could only have intimacy as until there was that side of individuality surrendered true oneness was not possible. All He had would have been a robot that was not in oneness by choice but by creation. So it is now thousands of man years later God completes His creation. It was His plan all along. He could not write clear instructions to be followed to get there as if He did it might as well have just  told Adam and Eve to do as they were told. Koinonia does not come through knowledge and we have watched as many struggle with what they see as a concept. Unable to see self  or seeing self and trying to surrender self they miss the point that Holy Spirit life abides and when we abide self disappears while remaining as in the God head.

Koinonia is the hidden mystery talked about in the new testament. It remains hidden to all who want it taught. If it can be taught we are robots greedy to please for self benefit. When entering the Sspirit of koinonia there is nothing in it for me, while everything is in it for me. I cannot say I am koinonia with someone or I have arrived, all I can be is aware there is a connection no words can describe. Those Spirit groaning as the bible possibly calls them are too deep for words. They are creation being completed in man and as mortality is swallowed up by life then all that is revealed is God life. We know God life is life and anything from man is mortality. Man spends his life grasping for the wind and failing to understand God is creating still. God yearns for His bride to be one and the beautifully amazing feat here is that God wants His koinonia bride to enter the koinonia of the God head through Christ. Now with Christ you and I can be what man has labeled trinity but God called Himself.

What an amazing plan that he allowed a third of the angels as created beings to fall into becoming demonic spirits and He knew that ultimately those demonic spirits would be used to reveal man’s heart to himself so he would need a savior and make the choice that living independent and selfish only produces death. When is Christ mortality is swallowed up by life that is completed as the last few verses say in 1 Corinthians 13 when we are fully revealed.

So let’s say it this way, man is not a mistake being repaired. We are not getting back to Eden and to help us understand that God sealed the entry way to Eden to never be found again. We in self righteousness keep looking back to what we have missed out on. If only Eve had not eaten and we still do what Adam did. He blamed the woman as we blame our fathers and ultimately Adam and Eve for our actions. God knew they would, God was not surprised by Eve or the snake or the fact there was a tree they should not eat of. God the master craftsman was allowing all of the above to bring oneness to Himself. We are to be koinonia with God and each other. Could it be Enoch entered koinonia and as his mortality was swallowed up by life we was just taken to be one with God. Obviously we can’t make knowledge of such and even trying limits the expression of the Spirit in us. But For the first time I see we are not going back. God had a timeline of creation that is working and creating and as we look forward to beyond Pentecost we can see a glimpse of a completed man that had to pass through the valley of the shadow of death called mortal life.

God created us for koinonia with Him. It was so wonderful for the Godhead they wanted so much for man to be part of it and yet here we are!!

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