Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shining gold - True life revealed in us

To add to the last blog entry. As an example of Holy Spirit life we have to die daily.

Think about it for a second how can a carnal man kill a carnal man? The Apostle Paul did not say commit suicide everyday and in the choice of his words suicide is never mentioned in dealing with carnality. If I can work to kill my carnal man then all I have is  a sideways shift of self righteousness. It does not matter what we stop doing if it was achieved through a carnal work all I have in return for my investment is further separation from Sspirit life by self righteousness. Yes we usually see ourselves as humble in that  as well because we worked through fasting or prayer or bible to stop. It is worthless and counterproductive as the carnal man is too greedy to be suicidal. To narcissistic to hurt itself and everything the carnal man does ultimately lifts himself up.

Religion always has a focus on the death but Spirit has a focus on life. So churchianity will always have you trying to get better. Put to death the carnal man, you know we have probably all done it. Fast, pray, read your bible and you will be a better Christian and stop sinning. The focus is death and self and it does not release life when approached from this angle. We can help people see their sinful ways but in reality there is a better way a way of life that brings life.

Focus on the Spirit of God, focus on where He is working in a life and let life join with your life to release life. The apostle Paul says I die daily. Now in religion that means self flagellating in some way. Find the sin and die to it, maybe remove the lust or action in some way and religion tells us we can win. Trouble is we will win 9 ties out of 10 and then we fail. If on the off chance we win 10 out of 10 then all we get as a reward is self righteousness that highlights our orphan heart.

As I live Spirit life. As I become aware of His spirit and do not look for a purpose, I just rest in that. As I allow the life of the Spirit to permeate my being and flow through my life then and only then death happens while life IS. Paul says it in Corinthians this way “mortality is swallowed up by life”. That carnality which demands such a focus falls away and truly we die daily. Now out of that life is an increase. My carnal man is being put to death not by an action but rather by a state of existence of life.
Can we see religion would make the verse Paul gives us on putting to death the deeds of the flesh as about action. A Sspirit individual understands there is no action outside of the flow of life. When I rest in the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. When I am koinonia with Christ and others I will by the very nature of who I am see carnality put to death. I will never make a focus of carnality for if I do I am carnal. I will walk by the Sspirit to not carry out the lust of the flesh.

So the reason the Apostle Paul never talks suicide when referring to dealing with carnality is because there is another person at work within a believer. The identity of the Spirit man and as he lives life a death happens to the other and all his desires. If we struggle with sin all it should do is reveal our self righteousness to ourselves as truly any sinful act is mere self righteousness. As the tree of self righteousness bears the fruit of sin. Yes, we do know Jesus stripped the tree of its fruit and sin no longer exists to a Sspirit individual who walks according to the spirit and not the flesh.

Be life, be life, be life, become aware of the Spirit of God in us and submit our ways to the Spirit not by deed but by positioning. Not by religious works but by a flow from our spirit and as we become aware of that flow all we will get is life, life, life. In our finances there will be life in our health there will be life in every part of our life there will be life. Now if I attach a purpose to that then all I have is self righteousness and I have removed a Sspirit state and made it a spirit work. So now something that begun in the spirit is being perfected in the flesh and Paul talks about that.

To us as Sspirit koinonia people we can only come to one conclusion. Any system that promotes a carnal humanistic approach to God is apostate in nature. The Holy Spirit brings life and is life and outside of that life is a harlot system that tries to replace the true bride of Christ with a false intimacy called works. To such a harlot system Sspirit intimacy becomes a lustful desire to please. A harlot church is narcissistic by its carnal default and the humanism it promotes is an intercourse of death, as with any harlot.

We are the bride of Christ and the bible tells us true worshipers will worship in Sspirit and in truth. That does  not mean as a work but rather as the state of being! I cannot teach anything, as teaching or knowledge puffs up the bible says. But I can teach Spirit and now life is revealed. Spirit teaching is about revealing life, carnal teaching is about increasing knowledge. Maybe one of the worse things that happened was when we created bible schools to teach God and Sunday services to give knowledge of the maker. Probably why the Acts church was koinonia it is not understandable to the natural mind and is a flow of Sspirit life. You can’t teach what happened in Acts it must be entered, not as a manifestation but rater a lifestyle revealed. What the church has called the revival of Acts was not revival it was Sspirit koinonia and what any in koinonia will see around their life in various ways and revealings.


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