Friday, May 9, 2014

Its not bipolar - liberated life in the Spirit

The twice dead. In Jude there is a passage that speaks of the twice dead. For a while we just could not grasp what this passage was referring to and then it came to life. You see without Christ we are dead in sin. That part is easy for us all to grasp but the next death maybe not so easy. So lets build a background before talking about it.

We have had so much of religious teaching puffing up our heads many times we can only see through rose colored glasses as they say. We tend to think of salvation as like having a procedure done at the doctor and once it is done we are all finished. We arrogantly think we did or do something to find Jesus Christ and totally miss the fact He finds us. Many pray a sinners prayers and now their spiritual journey takes on new meaning but lets look at something else that may be offensive to our views on becoming a Christian and it comes back to the psychopathic carnal or natural man.

Many become Christians with a whats in it for me mentality and if we are honest never progress from there. We think I found God and He will help me, guide me , …me, …,…, etc and it is in this psycopathic me life many often fail to change defaults. They mistaken the manifestations of God around their life as validation of who they are and fail to grasp all the manifestations are is a romantic God wooing us into a new spirit default. A default that was bought to us at Pentecost and should now be who we are when he comes to us. You see most all of us have had a lifetime of romantic wooing form God and we more often than not fail to understand such. Many times we turn these wooings into religion of self righteous works. Of course as medical science tells us a psychopath can never see they are that way and only with a spirit default coming alive in us can we ever see how “me” centered I am. Now we can serve and do so many great and noble things they may even put us in the newspaper for our wonderful deeds but as long as there is a root in the carnal natural man all we are doing is validating ourselves to ourselves. Or validating our Jesus to ourselves. Another Jesus!

Such we have all been or currently are. These people have a knowledge of Christ and have even received Christ into their lives maybe. But lets be real unless there is a total abandonment of life we can never enter new life. As long as I think I have something of value in me all I am is showing is how far I am from Christ. Now we delude ourselves into thinking after Christ I am doing this for Him but let me tell you God DOES NOT NEED IT - YOU DO!!!! If that’s how you think. We want to pay the bills and serve Jesus and all He wants is us to BE. A BE that can only come from the great “I AM”. You see koinonia is a love feast. As Sspirit brethren dwell together in unity it commands a blessing a blessing of life like no other time.

As people receive Jesus and work for Jesus and strive to validate themselves to themselves they think their actions in some way have value and these people are blemishes at our love feasts, eating with us without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead.

They are twice dead as they saw Jesus as a conscious decision and never allowed their default to be changed. Maybe Jesus never came to them they came to him and as long as I came to him I have control and are psychopathic. I may have been wooed and romanced but unless I surrender and allow Sspirit life to BE all I have is carnal psychopathic religion trying to use and manipulate God to validate myself.

For example there was a young man here who was romantically wooed by Jesus. He had no prior knowledge of Christ and as he was living a dirty life of cheating and sin Jesus came to him without him even looking for Jesus or knowing he was lost. Of course after this amazing spiritual experience the immediate thing he did was turn up at a local spirit filled church preaching revival and repentance, running prophetic schools and healing schools etc. Now we watch this man as he dies again, by the grace of God may that slow death be reversed and we hold out trust it will. As religion superimposes a religion of knowledge and works the romantic wooing of Christ takes the back burner for a program of getting ones self sanctified. Each time we see him we see he is progressively dying being absorbed by shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead.
Dying a death to romance and following a labor of love. They learn Sspirit by schools of the prophetic and learn how to heal by healing schools and in so doing are in danger of being twice dead. As their leaders feed only themselves subtly these Christians lives become about self for Jesus. This validates actions based in self that are horrendous and odious to God and others in Sspirit. As true worshippers only ever can worship in spirit and truth.

They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever. These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

Our natural instincts are from a psychopathic carnal man what a shame many today live the second death. So this morning a man called me with some statistics he heard form Brazil. It stated that there is a 750% increase in people leaving church. They still love Jesus but refuse to be part of the system. These my friend are once dead not twice as they refuse to drink the cool aid poison of religious death. One local pastor recently stood and whipped the people stating people still love Jesus but refuse to come to church. Such pastors and leaders, men and women are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead.

The twice dead feed themselves and as walking zombies they feast on the souls of other men. Ezekiel refers to these religious prophets as soul hunters. They give death where there should be life and life where there should be death. They give life to a God of knowledge and kill Pentecost Sspirit life. Foolishly to such Pentecost becomes about manifestations and knowledge disguising the fact Pentecost is about lifestyle change. It is about koinonia, about being part of the Godhead. Something a carnal believer will always struggle with as it just wont fit into their head. Is it any wonder the churches are full and God allowed it for no other reason maybe than to frustrate the plans of men. As people sit in pews the carnal vomit of knowledge that is spewed into our ears serves to do nothing but cause 750% of people to up and leave. In leaving they are being found by Sspirit church something that is a total enigma to the religious leaders of today who masterfully learned in their bible schools about the bible and have seminars to equip on the things of the Spirit. They love to showcase the gifts of the spirit in their lives or their gift of knowledge and persecute the 750% as in their eyes they are lost. Please let me stay lost if that is the case and dear God let it be 751% with me and 752% with you.

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