Friday, April 25, 2014

Tattoo's of religion

Definitions: S=Gods Spirit and s=mans spirit. Sspirit=Gods Spirit and mans spirit co-joined

Chewing on something this morning. We have talked about Lucifer wanting to be like God and Adam and Eve wanting to be like God and we to this day in our religion strive to be like God. We strive to be better but the underlying drive is to be like God in some way. We even do evangelism to make people like God. The self righteousness that was present with Lucifer in heaven defines mankind even to this day, even inside religious acts. So here is a major difference between spirit and carnal or natural life.

In Sspirit life I am to relax and be Scott/Jesus I do that by resting in who He is in me. The disturbing part is we have made changes to please God which ultimately is a mask for trying to be like God. When living this way making changes all we reveal is self righteousness and then when self righteousness is revealed, sin will always follow as sin masks self righteousness. You can say self righteousness is a sin but it goes deeper than that, self righteousness is a state of being the foundation of all sin. If we struggle with sin all it reveals is a self righteous core and if we have no struggle with sin all it reveals is a self righteous core. Chew on that one in your head.
So how disturbing it can be when I have nothing I should be working on to make better. How disturbing when I have nobody to mimic and be like as a human being. Our carnal natural man in his very DNA wants to be unique while being like someone we idolize. You know how it goes, we love someone in our life we can be like and that someone we respect or idolize. Like the movie stars or sports figures or rich people or our dad or a romantic fantasy picture of ourselves or a pastor or a dead healing evangelist or Jesus or God. OUCH! Is that not blasphemy to suggest that last line? Absolutely it is to a natural mindset but in spirit let’s take a look at it.

The bible tells us identity statements like , “I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus”, “I am seated with Christ in heavenly places”, It’s no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me” and we can go on and on. These verses are not doing verses they are statements of identity. In Sspirit I do not try to be like Christ I am Christ as He is me. Blasphemy to a carnal or natural defaulted believer as they immediately go to their sin where their identity is or lack of sin where their identity is they have strived for and sacrificed to obtain. This type of person has identity in religious works from years of striving to be like Christ. They repeat the self righteousness of the Garden of Eden and Lucifer when in heaven. Yes I know they can use a huge amount of scripture to try and validate their works and this type love the Old Testament as they are a slave to the legalism of it and fail to see the law was put in place for one purpose and that was to reveal the self righteous core of a man. The law was set up to fail. God knew man in his self righteousness would never attain anything through the law and gave us a law to reveal how useless our works are in pleasing Him. The law was supposed to point us to Christ who Himself in His own words pointed us to Pentecost. Not to make manifestations we can add to our righteousness but to unite us with the God head. As John 14 and 17 lays out. Carnal believers pray more and read their bible more and fast more and go to church more and totally miss the default change. Sspirit defaulted koinonia are prayer and are a living epistle that still reads the bible as a mirror to help reveal who they are not what they should do.

Remember God wanted intimacy with us and through Christ Jesus we are now called His bride. Adam and Eve had to fall and God knew they would because until they had carnal identity to surrender they could never be koinonia with the God head. The God head is a perfect example of koinonia and as we are Pentecost life then mortality is swallowed up by life as Paul the apostle says. Then we are part of the God head and revealed in Christ as Christ is in us. Now we are more complete than Adam and Eve as to be in koinonia we cannot be robotically created we must have had separate identity from God that we surrendered by choice to Him. In horizontal and vertical koinonia I have complete identity while having no identity. Go figure and if you can explain the God head you can explain koinonia. If you can explain the Godhead you can now explain what the Pentecost church is. Now the carnal reads the bible from the wrong side as a formula. We think if we appoint elders and pastors etc God will move and miss the fact Sspirit church is being one with Him as koinonia and pastors and elders etc flow from Sspirit church. The systems we have created in our righteousness are apostate, they are anti-Christ and demonic, preaching another Jesus of works and knowledge. A Jesus we can earn or strive to be like and are void of Sspirit as those who worship must worship in Spirit and in truth the bible says.

To a Sspirit default person they are no longer a believer they now are part of the great “I am” and in so being they “I AM” To believe after salvation suggests we can decide on a something we now are. So let’s say it this way. I am Scott and I do not try to be more Scott I am Scott now I must enjoy being Scott stop making Scott like another and discover who Scott is. I don’t need to dye my hair and get tattoos and piercings. They do not change the fact I am Scott. Now when I surrendered my life to Jesus I became Scott/Jesus. We then do well to relax and let Scott/Jesus be Scott/Jesus. Instead we have spent a lifetime getting religious tattoos and piercings and hair dye to look like the Scott/Jesus we think we should look like. We tattoo our life with good works and like most with tattoos we then change our clothing to reveal our prideful tattoos. So we change our religious life to exhibit our religious tattoo. So if we have beaten a sin we exhibit to everyone how clean we now are in that area. At least until nobody cares anymore. They we get another tattoo of how much we pray until nobody cares anymore and another and another. Until we have no idea anymore what we look like spiritually. These religious tattoos and piercings and dyes have buried the real us. There is not a part of us without religious tattoos and piercings. Is it any wonder when we get Sspirit we try to be Spirit as we have a tattoo and piercing culture of religion built into our lives. It makes no sense to just be and as we just be Scott/Jesus the tattoos seem to disappear, some take time but we have given up looking at them and wake up one day to clean Sspirit Sskin. All these religious acts do is reveal we have no identity and although many times are co-joined with Jesus we still have not allowed Him to take our orphan heart.

What a precious day to start to see our baby skin again instead of the marks of religion that defile us. Now there is no validation of identity. All these ministers that work for Jesus reveal is the fact they are validating themselves to themselves. As upsetting as that is if we think we have a ministry we are tattooed and have more pride in our tattoo than in who we are underneath. So now in Sspirit we do not have a ministry we are ministry. We don’t prophecy we are prophecy etc. Oh yes for all us tattooed ones who take offense at that last line. You will prophecy but not as a choice but as a state. You/we are now Sspirit co-joined and we do not need to be like Jesus as we are Jesus. OUTRAGEOUS! Absolutely and loving it. Makes no sense to my carnal natural head. But you know that is OK now I am seeing what I have never seen before a Scott/Jesus of life being revealed and when you find your identity why would you ever go back to an orphan heart.

No apologies here!

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